Friday, June 12, 2009

Tyeronie's Birthday On Sunday @ Docweiler Beach

This was Tye's Beach Bash for his Birthday even though he had it 3 days after his real Birthday but why not drap it out, Right? He had a joint party with his older sister. A bunch of her friends came along with two of the other siblings Joy and Devon (Robert was the only one that didn't go from his siblings) I asked Tyrone where his Mom and Dad were (I know his whole Family they are like my second family) he said that he made them drop the stuff of and leave...LOL aparently they are too old (his comment not mine). It ended up being Tye, Keri, Ashley, Markus, Joi, and Devon that I knew. We all had lots of fun.....we laughed pretty much the whole day!

After the beach Izzy picked me up and I tried to watch the end of the Laker game. I ended up falling asleep so I pretty much missed the whole second half. Oh well I was tired.

Here are some GREAT Pictures from Sunday!

Alrighty then, These Folks I have known since Walteria Elementry School! On the left Ashley Wilkman, up top Tyrone Brown, bottom middle is me, and Right is Keri Stewart.

Happy Birthday BEAR HUG from Sasha!!

The sun was in the wrong spot the next picture we got it right.....
Me, Tye, Markus, Keri (Ashley was being a poopy head so we made her take the picture)
This is Ashley being a poopy Head! notice the top of the picture all 4 of leds ready to go and Ash...on the ground....LOL!

Just us Girls! I left my sunglasses at a friends house...I need to go get them!!

I was the only one in our little group wearing a bathing suit! Figures...LOL....I wasn't going to miss out on getting a tan it was a Beautiful day!

Awe.... me and My Tyeronie (BFF's)! We were totally cracking up in this picture. There was a better one but I thought this one was funnier!

Oh and the LAKERS won this day!!!!

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